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money rates 利息。

money spinner

The marketizing reform of money rate should be carried out alone with reforming the property right system of the commercial banks and establishing the market supervision system . they will create favorable conditions for the necessity of reforming china ' s formed money rate mechanism , supporting conditions and steps of the reform after investigating the existing work state of china ' s financial systems and consulting the financial reform experiences that some countries in the world have gained in the past several decades 金融運行有其自身特殊的規律,在周邊市場環境條件不具備的情況下單獨推進利率的市場化改革,極易釀成金融危機。本文主要結合中國金融體系的運行現狀和wto的規則要求,同時借鑒國際上幾十年各國金融改革的經驗,對我國利率形成機制改革的必然性及其支撐條件和步驟做一個探索。

National debt national debt is issued by the government assure to repay captital with interest , the risk is spent small , be called “ gilt - edged bond “ , have cost low , fluidity stronger , reliability is more advanced characteristic ; in national debt 2 extremely do on the market do more empty , those who do is the balance of national debt interest rate and market money rate only , the scope that fluctuates up and down is very little 國債國債由政府發行保證還本付息,風險度小,被稱為“金邊債券” ,具有成本低、流動性更強、可信度更高等特點;在國債二極市場上做多做空,做的只是國債利率與市場利率的差額,上下波動的幅度很小。

Make in floating rate below , the main factor that affects exchange rate has : government of balance of payments , money rate , each country and central bank collect the value that monetary itself represents , one country external the element such as the interpose of the market , politics , psychology , spec 在浮動匯率制下,影響匯率的主要因素有:貨幣本身代表的價值、一國國際收支、利息率、各國政府和中心銀行對外匯市場的干預、政治、心理、投機等因素。

Part one expounds and proves that china ' s joining in wto will speed up the reform of its marketizing money rate . the existing formed mechanism of money rate has to be reformed in view of its losing efficacy and restraining economic development 我國即將加入wto ,這標志著中國經濟融入整個世界經濟的進程加快,也預示著wto的各項規則將對我國經濟運行的各個領域帶來前所未有的沖擊,對非市場化利率形成機制將形成更大的沖擊。

The basic of bringing the money rate in the market into play is that the action of the commercial banks has to reflect the scale and composition of the currency supply in the market through high or low rate of deposit - loan 商業銀行是資金運行的中心,市場利率發揮作用的基礎是商業銀行的行為必須通過存貸款利率高低反映出市場資金供求的規模和結構。沒有商業銀行制度的根本改革,市場利率的運行就沒有最重要的主體。

The reform of marketizing money rate also requires to reform and adjust the range , ways and means of financial supervision at the same pace . part five discusses the means to carry marketizing money rate forward gradually 利率市場化改革也要求金融監管的范圍、監管方式和手段同步進行調整,建立起既能及時化解風險又不損害市場機制的根本的高效運行的監管體系。

All of these demands that the forming mechanism of money rate should marketize . part two demonstrates the reform of marketizing money rate ca n ' t go ahead single - handed 價格集中反映了商品的價值和供求關系,而利率作為貨幣這種一般等價物特殊商品的價格,則集中濃縮了社會資源配置均衡狀態這一根本信息。

It will involve a wide range as well as it will face to the moral risk of the commercial banks after setting money rate free , and it may do harm to the motion of the whole market 利率市場化改革涉及面廣泛,而且利率放開后還面臨商業銀行的“道德風險”以及可能帶給整個市場運行的損害。

2 years period time deposit , after passing more than one year , want to put forward , money rate is how to be calculated , calculate by current , is what still press a year fixed calculate 二年期的定期存款,過了一年多以后,要提出來,利息率是怎樣計算,按活期算嗎,還是按一年的定期算?

This thesis is divided into six parts , which approaches the imminence , conditions and steps of china ' s reforming its money rate mechanism being strongly pounded by wto 本文共分六部分對wto沖擊下的我國利率機制改革的緊迫性、條件、步驟進行研究。

Part four demonstrates the marketizing money rate should be carried out at the same pace along with the reforming adjustment - control means and supervision system 第四部分論及利率市場化要與調控方式、監管體系的改革同步。

True money rate tmr 實際薪金率

Tmr true money rate 實際薪金率